C. Murillo

Taking part in the URAP this past academic year has been truly self-rewarding and inspiring both academically and intellectually. Collaborating on the Nuestras Historias project allowed me to demonstrate my highest potential as an undergraduate researcher. I completed assignments that I was afraid to practice on my own simply because I knew I lacked experience. For example, as part of the Nuestras Historias project, I had to conduct an oral history which was one of the projects I feared the most. However, with the support and assistance of Professor Arredondo and my colleagues I was able to conduct a great interview for the first time. Most importantly, what I value the most about URAP is having the opportunity to work in a team in which we empower each other to become better students as well as undergraduate researchers. It was an honor for me to have taken part in this program especially because it is essential for undergraduate students to work together with professors and graduate students to guide and support them in their academic journeys. An experience like this one can definitely offer academic success. Additionally, I hope to see more students become involved in working together at the CLRC because it is a place where one learns to appreciate the richness of knowledge about racial and ethnic minorities such as Chicano/Latino/as who have and continue to impact our lives.

Posted in Nuestras Memorias.